Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Writing Doodle 023 - Better Than Christmas

At the age of six, most children believe Christmas to be the most magical day of the year. For one little girl by the name of Beverly, though, this was not the case. Rather, Beverly found the most magical day of the year to be a day hardly thought of as magical: St. Patrick's Day.

On St. Patrick's Day, Beverly knew for a fact, that leprechauns would be out and about causing mischief and mayhem. Sure, Santa Claus brought gifts, but leprechauns were just so much more fun.

With a gleam in her eye, Beverly knew what she had to do: she had to catch a leprechaun. It wasn't going to be easy, though. Leprechauns were incredibly clever. She ran to her mother and tugged at her shirt, begging for a box that was big enough for a leprechaun to fit in. Of course, her mother thinks it's all in good fun and helps her find a suitable box.

Box all set up and decorated with aluminum foil and stickers, Beverly lay on the floor, peering beneath the box. Looking up at her mother, she says she needs several things: one of her mother's gold rings, a small cup of milk, and another small cup of Daddy's beer. Oh, and some thumbtacks! Confused, but wanting to kindle Beverly's imagination, her mother obliges the odd request, but keeps a careful eye on Beverly after that-- she didn't want her six-year-old daughter drinking any of Daddy's beer.

Milk, beer, and gold to catch the leprechaun's attention, and thumbtacks to ruin his shoes so he'll be forced to fix them before he can escape. It was perfect. Content with her trap, Beverly went to bed, a smile on her face and dreams of leprechauns in her head.

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