Saturday, April 11, 2015

Writing Doodle 026 - Adult

The moment she realized she was actually an adult hit her hard. Not exactly in a bad way, really. But it was hard. Like being slammed by a battering ram, right in the chest. It was a moment of crisis and enlightenment. A moment of joy and terror. She was an adult now. That meant no more homework, but a lot more housework, and a lot of other things she wan't really prepared to think about just yet. It was all new, all terrifyingly and excitingly new.

But it was all in the moment she realized that it had happened. It wasn't when she realized she did the dishes every single evening, or that she made a weekly shopping list. It wasn't even when she paid her taxes on her own for the first time. No, the moment she realized she was really, truly an adult was the moment she realized... she could type without looking at the keyboard in front of her. Never before had she done something like that-- she had always, always, looked at the keys to type. Until that moment when she became an adult.

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