Have you ever had one of those days? It's just the absolute worst? Well, I had one-- or rather, I'm in the middle of having one. Everything that could possibly be going wrong, is going wrong.
First of all, my name is Iphigenia. I mean seriously, who names their child that? So that's my name, and so I decided to be professional and make my email have my name in it. That was a bad choice. I found out this morning that anyone trying to email me (and someone important was trying to email me) has a very high likelihood of spelling it wrong. Because it's a ridiculous name that is impossible to spell. I'm making a new email address...
That wasn't all-- I've been trying so dang hard to get a job. I've applied to basically everything there is. Now there's nothing left that I'm qualified to apply for. And, to top that all off, I've only heard back from like two places. And both were rejections. One of them came this morning.
Not to mention actually applying for these jobs is making me feel like I'm not even qualified for any of these jobs. At all. So I feel like crap about myself because I can't actually do anything worthwhile.
Then I got my period. I hate being a lady sometimes. So I've got these cramps, I'm flip-flopping between rage and sobbing, and I can't stop myself from eating literally everything in the apartment. I ate an entire large pizza by myself. Then I made some cookies, and I ate all of those, too.
I can't read my favorite book because I'm crying so hard.
I don't have cable, and the internet decided not to work. Even after I've restarted the router like forty times. My computer keeps crashing when I try to open a game or a website or...do anything. And my phone won't even turn on.
When I fall back into a fit of rage, I manage to start reading. I read for several hours, by which time it's about two in the morning. My phone turns on and notifies me of an email I just got. It's from my boyfriend-- the one I tried to text all day and couldn't. I could have really used a hug. Anyways, the email says that he just got home from the ER, but he's fine. Something happened with his car while he was changing a tire and his hand is broken, but he's fine. Now I'm freaking out because why the hell didn't anyone let me know my boyfriend was in the ER?!
So thanks, World. Thanks, Life. Got any more punches you want to throw my way?
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