You hear it don't you? The whistling. I can't be the only one who can hear it. Oh Lord, please. Someone please. Please tell me you can hear it! Please tell me I'm not going crazy! Wha-what are you doing?! Stop! Don't open that! No! Come back... Come back!
Shit. Shit shit shit shit. Sam? Sam?! Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit...
AHHH! Shit, Sam. You scared the fu-- What? What is it? What's wrong. Stop it, Sam. Stop... Please. You're scaring me. No...please stop. Don't come any closer! Shit. You saw it, didn't you. It was out there. It was trying to get us, wasn't it. That's what the whistling was for...but you didn't...
Sam!! SAM, SNAP OUT OF IT. Shit. Shit shit shit. I'm trapped. Sam, please! Please! I...I don't want to die... WHAT DO YOU WANT?! SAM, STOP. THIS ISN'T YOU! It''s that thing...
I don't want to die... I don't wan--
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