2875, MARA
Today, we remember all of the brave warriors who gave their lives fighting for the galaxy. Today, we remember what it cost to have the perfect society we have now. Never again will we fear an alien race. Never again will a sentient robot threaten our loved ones. We are Mara.
The screen flickers, the dull, fuzzy grey giving way to a vibrant yellow screen advertising the name of the channel. THE VIOLENCE CHANNEL. The words take up most of the screen, but just for a moment before they give way to the name of the show: COMMERCIAL CARNAGE. The title screen dissolves as the camera loops around a huge arena filled with cheering people. Billboards advertising everything from bouncy castles to plastic surgery are everywhere-- not a single surface is left untouched by the mega-corporations of Mara.
The announcer's voice booms over the crowd, "Weeeeelcome, one and all, to the Commercial Carnage semi-fiiiiiinals!" There is an excitement in his voice that sounds almost forced. "Today, we haaaaaave, Roy's Roids, ShadowCorp, Definitely Not Robots, and A Better Beautiful You! Each competing for your love, your affection, your money!" The camera pans around the athletes in their tank-like vehicles, each one plastered with more ads. "ARE YOU READY FOR SOME VIOLEEEEEEEEEEENCE?!" Shouts, cheers, screams of excitement and anticipation rise from the crowd as the four athletes work together to destroy the Giant Whiz-BANG, a terrible monster-like creature designed specifically for the Commercial Carnage games.
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