Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Character Development - Betria Lyra Carrow (AU Post-Potter)

quidditch queen! puddlemere's newest chaser: betria carrow

    by Jessalyn Blodget
We all adore Quidditch, but few of us in the magical world ever get the chance to really play competitively. I got the opportunity to interview Puddlemere United's newest chaser, Betria Carrow. Read everything from her childhood, to Hogwarts, to her career, and even her lovelife! Betria gushed on all the details of her life, and eve let me in on a few secrets!

The Woman Behind The Career

Jessalyn: Wow, hi! It's really cool to actually meet you! Is Betria alright?

Betria: Hey. Bertia's fine. Betty, Bet, and Bee work, too. I don't really care what you call me, really.

J: Cool, well, thanks for agreeing to the interview! Do you mind if I ask about your early childhood? We know you have a brother and a sister. What was it like growing up with them?

B: First of all, I have two sisters. (She sighed deeply and kind of rolled her eyes.) There's Del, who you already know about, and there's Cali. She's the baby. Poor girl. I'm sure you've had to have dug something up about her? No? I don't believe you, really, but I guess my mother did pretty well at hiding the information she didn't want getting out. Well, Cali is, y'see, a squib. My parents were too *****ing embarrased by having a squib daughter that they gave her up. Can you believe that? Giving up your own child? I mean, I was still a kid, but that when kind of when I started to grow apart from my family. I'm four years older than her, but she was way more fun to play with than Del. Anyway, Del and Aries are just kind of what you'd expect from a typical pureblood home, I guess. I haven't seen either of them in a while, though. Del's a bit cray, but she's my sister and I love her, y'know? I love Aries, too. Family is important, even when they're crazy.

Sorry if that got a little...deep for your article. I just want people to know that Cali exists and she's my baby sister, and I love her.

J: It's fine! Really! We're all so excited to learn more about you! Could you maybe tell us a little more about what it's like having a squib for a sister?

B: It's just like having anyone else for a sister. Except she's looked down on by most of the magical community for things she can't even control. And I never got to see her around Hogwarts, which was pretty much ****. All these other older siblings get the chance to guide their little siblings through how everything works, embarrass them in front of their friends... and I just got shafted. (She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.) Sorry, I just get really heated up about the way Cali's been treated sometimes - especially by the one's who were supposed to be there for her always.

J: Don't worry about it. It's really nice to see that you care about her so much. Where is she now?

B: I don't really know what she's doing right now. I haven't had the time to write her an actual owl in so long. I'm a ****** **** sister, I am. But I'm sure she's safe. The family that took her in? They love her to bits, and I love them for it. I don't know if they get that I'm so appreciative of them.

J: I see. Um, well, what can you tell us about your life at Hogwarts?

B: I don't think my time at Hogwarts was really any different than anyone else's. I joined the Quidditch team in my second year - thank Merlin I made the try-outs! And, well, Quidditch was pretty much everything to me from that point on. I did my homework as quickly and at as bare minimum requirements as possible just so I could practice more for the Quidditch games. A few of my friends said they thought I should have been in Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin. I don't know if they're right or not, but it doesn't really matter. It's just a silly label, anyway.

I did spend some time with my cousin. He had a lot of organizations going. Raising awareness about muggleborns or something. I was still a little set in the ways of my parents at the time, but I also didn't really care about purity. Either way, I was proud of my cousin. He did something most of us are afraid to do. I went to some of the meetings and such, but I generally stayed quiet there. No one really wants a pureblood to ruin a meeting like that. They all just kind of give you a disgusted look. I guess that's kind of how muggleborns felt before, huh?

J: Did you always know you wanted to be a professional Quidditch player?

B: Yes and no. My father got Aries this little kid broom. Y'know the type? The one's that barely hover off the ground? Yea, well, I took it. I liked it way more than he ever did, but I don't think my father wanted one of his daughters playing any sport, y'know? Me and him, we don't really get on very well. But I've always loved Quidditch. More so than Ari and Del, that's for sure. I ended up joining this silly like... little league in our town. Bunch of kids - y'know like aged seven to ten or so - just playing Quidditch as best we could with fake brooms. I knew I'd have to try-out for Quidditch as soon as possible when I got to Hogwarts.

It wasn't until fifth year, though, that I seriously considered it as a career, rather than just a hobby. With the OWL's coming up, I had to think about my future and all that. So I spoke with my head of house and we sort of decided that I should just throw myself at Quidditch. And that's what I did. I got decent OWL grades, mind you. Not that they really matter now, though. Anyways, I was put on the Puddlemere Reserve Team when I got out of Hogwarts. Er, well, I accepted the offer. I'd gotten a couple of others, but I wasn't looking to move away, really. So I took Puddlemere's offer. I played a few matches here and there with the team, and last year, when one of the chasers retired, I was the first choice. It's been incredible. Kind of like a dream, y'know?

J: So what are some of your hobbies outside of Quidditch?

B: Well, believe it or not, I've always been a huge fan of knitting. I learned how to knit without magic, even! I still mostly knit with magic, but it's fun to do without on occasion. I actually...I knit this horrid sweater for Ari for Christmas last year. Oh, it was HIDEOUS. Watching his face when he opened it? Priceless.

On occasion, I'll try my hand at baking. Usually results in some explosions, but it's all in good fun. Oh, one other thing I really enjoy? Muggle television. It's so incredible the things they come up with without magic.

The Lovelife of a Quidditch Star

J: I'm dying to know: is there a special someone waiting at home for you every night?

B: Sorry to disappoint, but no, there's no one.

J: You sound a little down. Was there someone until recently?

B: (She sighs, bites her lip, and looks off into the distance.) There was this one guy, but it's been years now. He's probably forgotten about me at this point. Anyways, we were actually engaged, me and him. He was just this...perfect, Scottish man. (There's a dreamy look in her eyes.) We had this, er, big sort of fight about three years ago now. It was so stupid - I was so stupid. But what's done is done.

J: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten, espeically with your name and face all over the news now! Are you looking forward to your uniting then?

B: I'm rather not, actually. I believe I've already found THE ONE, or however you'd want to call it. He's gone, though, so I guess that'll be... something. I feel bad for the poor soul that has to end up with me.

J: And why's that?

B: Because I've got a touch exterior, and not just anyone can get past that. I'm a pretty judgemental person - or I can be. Not to mention I often seem like I just don't give a ****. It gets on people's nerves. That's how it's always been. That's why all my relationships at Hogwarts ended, too.

J: Oh? How many boyfriends did you have at Hogwarts?

B: Well, it was just the three. All of 'em in the last few years, too. Two in fifth, and one in sixth and into seventh. Met my Scotsman after Hogwarts. But it doesn't matter really. I'm either going to find my Scotsman and make it all up to him before my uniting, or I'll end up with some rando and be forced into that.

J: In the meantime, are you dating at all?

B: Believe it or not, no one's asked me on a date in years! I wouldn't be opposed, though. I guess I'd rather find someont to spend my life with on my own than through the uniting - not that I'm against the law or anything like that, I suppose. I just feel like I'd like to choose my life partner.

But, er, yea. I'm generally free on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. And I can usually swing a Friday and a Saturday here or there. But it's all going to revolve around the practice schedule and matches.

The Dream Job

J: So what is a typical day like for a professional Quidditch player?

B: Well, on a typical practice day, we're up at 'bout five in the morning? Maybe earlier? Eat a big breakfast - eggs, bacon, fried mushrooms, toast with butter or jam, baked beans, sausages... y'know, just the typical full breakfast. Let that settle for just a bit, then we get started. We start with typical stretches on the field, get our bodies warmed up and all that. Then we pick up the brooms and practice formations, strategies, and that sort of thing. We take a break for lunch, and then it's right back at it. Usually with a skirmish in the last afternoon. The whole reserve team practices with us, of course, so there's plenty of us for a skirmish. It's really great fun.

J: And you do that every day?

B: (She shrugs as if it's nothing.) Most days, at least. We're professional athletes, we've got to stay at the top of our game if we want to be the best. Besides, some of use are trying to get picked for England's national team for the next Quidditch World Cup tournament.

J: What do you do differently on the day of a match?

B: We don't typically get up as early on match days. Want to make sure we're rested for the game, after all. Run through some stretches, some formations. It's like a mini-practice before the game starts. Then we play the match, and we generally have off the next day.

J: So, what is it like being famous? Are you recognized everywhere you go?

B: It's weird, actually. Went through Hogwarts just being some girl on the Slytherin Quidditch team, right? And now I've got all these people I went to Hogwarts with acting like we've always been close. I don't go out too much anymore because of it. Sometimes it's nice though. Y'know? If you're feeling rotten, just go outside and all these people tell you how amazing you are, and you love them for it.

J: What will you do once you're done with Quidditch?

B: I haven't really thought about it much. I suppose I could go into Quidditch journalism. Or perhaps the ministry would take me for the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Or, who knows? Maybe I'll just go be a shopkeep at Quality Quidditch Supplies.

J: That's all the questions we have for you today. Thank you so much for the interview, Betria! It was great getting to know you.

B: It was cool. I can't imagine people reading about me, though. It's weird. Thanks for your time and all that. 

Chatting with Betria Carrow was an incredible opportunity. It almost made me wish I'd played more Quidditch when I was younger! Betria was great to work with, despite her sort of lethargic demeanor, and was actually a lot of fun. When it comes right down to it, she's just like you and me, but here are some things in particular we spotted about her and wanted to share with all of you:

* She is always striving to succeed, but she's humble about her success and her ride to the top.
* There is always confidence behind her kind smile.
* She knows how & isn't afraid to look out for herself, but she's incredibly loyal to those she loves.
* She's super nice! Until someone crosses her (Betria, if you're reading this, Jerry is really sorry, and he didn't mean it!)
* As a Syltherin, she can be ruthlessly cunning, but she's got a conscience that could rival Harry Potter's!
* She likes to keep to herself and isn't hugely into socializing.

We were given the chance to get some incredible picture of Betria practicing with the rest of Puddlemere United. Take a look at the next page for the photos!