Saturday, January 16, 2016

Writing Doodle 031 - Hopeless Romantic

As I sit here, watching my rom-coms and reading my racy romance novels, I realize something: I will never have this. All of my relationships, one after one, have been horrible failures. I will never be the person who has someone to love them. I'll love, like I always do, with my whole heart and soul, and every single time, I will be torn apart when it's over. But I will never have the happiness I desperately want.

At best, I'll have one of those tragic romances. I'll find the perfect woman, and she will love me with her whole heart and soul, but just when we both realize our love, and profess it, she'll die. I'll be left, a broken man, alone in this world until Death comes for me.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Writing Doodle 030 - Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I did all my chores like mommy asked and even helped my little brother with his homework. I helped out at school too! And I let Bobby have the swing I was on even though I wasn't really done. I have been extra careful to be specially good all year cause this year I want a puppy please Santa.

I'm not crazy Santa. A puppy is the perfect present because just think about it! A puppy will always be there for me. Even if we move again and I have no friends at my new school I will still have my puppy. And if I feel sad my puppy will make me feel happy. My puppy will love me and won't run away. And I will also have to be responsible cause it's my puppy and I have to feed and care for my puppy just like Mommy does for me.

Please let me have a puppy Santa. I'll never ask for anything ever again I promise if you just bring me a puppy.

Jesse Marks