How to Get to Endland
A Beginner's Guide
Getting to Endland isn't nearly as difficult as people make it out to be. In fact, once you figure out the hang of it, it's quite simple, really. The first few times may feel like a struggle, but don't worry, you'll get the knack of it by your forth try. And believe me, it's certainly worth whatever effort you put in.
Now, before you begin, it is highly recommended that you find a nice, solitary place to practice slipping away into Endland. I certainly suggest a room with a blank wall, as I've always found steps 3 and 4 to work best with a blank wall. Of course, that's just me. You may find you much prefer to always find Endland from the middle of the ocean. To each his own, I suppose!
Let's get started, shall we?
Step 1: Close Your Eyes
The first thing you need to do when trying to get to Endland is simple. You need to close your eyes. Why? Because many people seem to have trouble believing when all they can see is the real world surrounding them. Closing your eyes allows you to use your imagination, to picture Endland in your mind's eye. Knowing where you're going is half the battle.
Step 2: Believe
As one grows older, this step becomes more and more difficult. It is, however, quite essential. If you don't believe in Endland, there is no way you can possibly find it. You see, it is quite fond of hiding from those with closed or shallow minds, only opening itself for those who it believes will love and care for it. In other words, it will only show itself to those who believe it exists. This is why closing one's eyes becomes so essential-- it allows even the non-believers to use their imaginations and begin to believe, even just a little bit.
Step 3: Picture A Door
With your eyes still shut, you must imagine a door standing before you. Shut. The door you imagine should be a closed door, not open. This is very important. If the door is not shut, or if you picture an open doorway, it will not work. However, so long as the door is closed, it can be any kind of door you'd like: the door of a wardrobe; a small, round door; a castle gate; an intricately carved wooden door-- the choice is yours. But keep in mind, the door must be closed.
Step 4: Open The Door
Once you have the door, and your destination, very clearly defined in your head, carefully open your eyes. Standing before you should be the door you were just picturing in your mind. It may or may not be shimmering with something that looks like glitter-- I assure you, it is not glitter, but neither is it anything to worry about. Now, as long as you have done the first three steps correctly, you should be able to reach out and physically touch the door your imagination has manifested. If you can do that, you can open the door, which is highly recommended if you would like to enter Endland, which is, indeed, the whole point of this instructional. So there you have it, reach out and open your door.
Step 5: Step Through The Door
Once you have opened the door, you should see Endland through the doorway. It is imperative that you continue to believe, otherwise the door, and Endland with it, may very well disappear. However, if the door does not disappear, I encourage you to step through it quickly. Once you have stepped through the door, it will disappear behind you, but you will be in Endland, just as you wished.
* * * * *
So there you have it, instructions on how to get to Endland. For the return journey, please see How to Return from Endland: A Beginner's Guide. I do hope you enjoy your stay in the realm of Fata.